Thursday, August 11, 2011

School Shopping!

My daughter in-law invited me to lunch and to go school shopping with her and my grandkids today and what a blast I had!  Who would ever think that such an event could be construed as "fun", but I truly had such a good time.  Armed with 2 Target carts and 3 kids ages 6, almost 4, and 10 months, the store became a treasure-hunting ground for supplies, clothes, and other ancillary needs on her shopping list.

The older 2 rode with grandma (me) as I pushed one of those extra-long carts equipped with big-kid seats and seat belts and my daughter in-law had the baby and the shopping list so we followed her.  As expected, the school supply isle was abuzz with moms and kids scurrying about with lists of needs for the new school year.  The kids all look so excited and the moms tend to look stressed.  My daughter in-law, however, was calm and collected and very organized with her gathering of supplies.  My 6-year old grandaughter was very dutiful in bringing the supplies back to my cart and then bounce back to mom for more.  What fun it was indeed!

Clothes were next and that is always exciting for kids.  My grandson was precious with his new shirt and pants selections and my granddaughter was absolutely adorable when she returned with matching dresses for herself and her baby sister.  Mom was very thoughtful as she let the kids pick out their own clothes smiling at some choices but never once criticizing fashion taste.  I admire that about her. 

On to the toy section as a birthday party gift for a friend was the next item on the list.  My granddaughter went down an isle and after a few seconds she jumped out with a pirate hat on her head and said "Arrr Matey!"   Oh my goodness what a priceless, spontaneous act that was for me to witness and I shall never forget it!   My grandson found a blue car that he wanted so we spent some time looking at the box and keeping busy with the baby while mom and granddaughter looked for a birthday girl gift.  So happy and well-behaved are my grandchildren and I am pleased that my son and daughter in-law have done so well.

Food and other necessities were up next on the list as we took our "choo-choo train" of carts (grandson liked that) across the store.  I was able to get some great hugs and kisses in with all 3 grandkids and got my grandma battery charged to the fullest.

I am excited for their upcoming new school year adventure as I know that they will be well equipped with supplies and will be sporting some adorable fashion statements.  My son should be proud of his wife for not only blessing him with these 3 little persons but also for her ability to organize such an outing.  I know that I sure am proud of her and actually in awe of how she even manages all that energy.

Grandma is tired tonight but it is one of those special tired feelings that I would not trade for anything!

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